作品名稱:《 數位觀景 》


創 作 團 隊:數位藝術實驗室-彭立洲、胡縉祥、蕭思潁

年 份:2009


主體:高376cm X 寬392cm X 厚60cm(約)。互動檯座:長50cm X 寬50cm X 高100cm(約)

材 質:

主體:全彩LED 顯示器、全彩LED控制器、壓克力板、鍍鋅鋼固定架、LED 燈點、LED燈點控制器、LED燈點驅動器、無線遙控裝置。互動檯座:觸碰螢幕、不鏽鋼檯座與輪子、電腦控制系統、排熱風扇




Title:Digital View

Artist:Lin, Pey Chwen

Creative Team:Digital Art Lab:Peng, Li chou、Hu, Ching-Hsaing、Hsiao, Ssu-Ying



Subjects:High 376cm X width 392cm X thickness 60cm.Interactive pedestal:High 100cm X width 50cm X thickness 50cm


Main: full-color LED display, full-color LED controller, acrylic sheet, galvanized steel fixator, LED lights, LED lights point control Device, LED light points, drive, wireless remote control device.Interactive pedestal: touch screen, stainless steel pedestal with wheels, computer control systems, heat fan.

Artist’s Interpretation:

"Digital View" is an attempt to show the concernof National Grid (KING) project for Humanities and Natural Sciences. in particular, center on how to apply this existing network , with the establishment of real-time observation images of the online interaction and the grid image into the creative concept of this work. Through the transformation of real-time eco-image presentation, "Digital View" public art is try to witness the Center's concern for scientific and technological research on the ecological efforts.

Maintenance:National Center for High-Performance Computing

2011年2月21日 星期一


